a rose by any other name

2016-05-30 15.15.01New everlasting rose bush featuring 3 handcrafted roses utilizing upcylced aluminum and copper.

This time I decided that my roses were missing something I could not discern. Then I realized what it was…Leaves! Some rose pieces now feature gemstone leaves. This piece is highlighted with Green Aventurine Leaf accents. The energies of Aventurine are believed to represent Opportunity, Freedom and Chance.


Upcoming Shows!

June 11th 2016- NPGS Gem Show, Heartland forest Niagara Falls, 10am-5pm

June 18th 2016-Rock n Roll Swap n Sell , Queen street, Niagara Falls, 1pm-7pm

July 1st 2016- Niagara Arts Showcase at the Canada Day festivities Queen Street , Niagara Falls, 9am-5pm

July 2nd 2016-Summer Of  Love open house, Oracle Art Gallery 289 High St., Fort Erie , 1pm-4pm

July 9th-10th 2016 – Niagara Lavender Festival, 758 Niagara stone rd, Niagara-On-The-Lake , times revealed at a later date.

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