Caffeine,good music and shiny things.

Ahoy and greetings !

Thank you for all your continuing support. Thanks to everyone saying how much they cannot wait to see my next creations and for the pressure of 5 shows in 2 months coming up I have been in supercharged creation mode and here is one of my latest.

I created a new design of flower. A tad more simple than their complex rose cousins, however I believe sometimes the simplest things are the prettiest.  These flowers are once again handcrafted using upcycled aluminum and Copper, these ones however feature a gemstone center.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, Please feel free to leave comments.

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P.S here are those Upcoming 5 shows I was telling you about:

June 11th 2016- NPGS Gem Show, Heartland forest Niagara Falls, 10am-5pm

June 18th 2016-Rock n Roll Swap n Sell , Queen street, Niagara Falls, 1pm-7pm

July 1st 2016- Niagara Arts Showcase at the Canada Day festivities Queen Street , Niagara Falls, 9am-5pm

July 2nd 2016-Summer Of  Love open house, Oracle Art Gallery 289 High St., Fort Erie , 1pm-4pm

July 9th-10th 2016 – Niagara Lavender Festival, 758 Niagara stone rd, Niagara-On-The-Lake , times revealed at a later date.

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